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Cash Cow comes with Good Karma

Cash Cow For A Cure

Luxury is... when your polish matches the paint ;)... but TRULY luxury is being ALIVE.Today I am celebrating 6 years cancer free!

I'm excited to announce that I've partnered up with BC Cancer Foundation to offer you my Cash Cow for a Cure!

Remember the old money trees that bring good luck? Well this Cash Cow comes with GOOD KARMA! 20 percent of profits will go directly to the BC Cancer Foundation towards revolutionary cancer treatments and care for people with cancer. All Cash Cows come with free personalization, celebrating angels and survivors.

This art was created in honor of all of my friends and family who have lost their lives to cancer and those who are undergoing treatment now.

My greatest joy is to be able to help people with my art. During Chemo, I created art works that raised over 60,000 to help people.I don't know about you but I'm feeling lucky to behere to help others so get some good karma of your own and help us raise Cowzillions to create a cancer free world today.

This is a celebration, no sympathy , I'm ALIVE !

Posters, Limited Editions and the Original available

Click the link or picture below, to help make the world cancer free today!

A pop art painting of a cow with dollar signs around it.Cash Cow art sales benefit BC Cancer
Cash Cow art raising money to find a cure for Cancer

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